Ferrari Designs New Door Style

Eingestellt von Aco | 05:44 | | 0 Kommentare »

For a long time, car doors have been pretty well standardized. Sure, some exotic manufacturers like Lamborghini, Delorean and Mercedes have introduced scissor and gullwing style openings, but for the most part car doors open exactly as you’d expect them to.

But Ferrari’s rethinking the whole door idea. As filed in this patent, the new idea incorporated the door with the front fender, placing the forward hinge just ahead of the front tire’s centerline. With the upper hinge placed atop the corner of the windshield race-car style, the door opens in a butterfly fashion similar to a Le Mans prototype. But, incorporating the fender gives a huge opening, with Ferrari engineers citing a large enough opening that passengers can place their foot directly behind the front wheel.
